

E.ON Sweden

M&C Saatchi, Stockholm


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E.ON Sweden “The Solar Christmas Experience”
A man gets his wife to press an ominous-looking red button. Rather than triggering a nuclear explosion, however, the button lights up all the hundreds of lamps that go to spark a veritable light show staged by the Christmas decorations festooned in and around their house. Thanks to solar energy, nobody needs to feel guilty about such lavish Christmas displays. A spot for utility E.ON Sweden.

More: M&C Saatchi Stockholm

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E.ON Sweden

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E.ON Sweden “The Solar Christmas Experience” A man gets his wife to press an ominous-looking red button. Rather than triggering a nuclear explosion, however, the button lights up all the hundreds of lamps that go to spark a veritable light show staged by the Christmas decorations festooned in and around their house. Thanks to solar energy, nobody needs to feel guilty about such lavish Christmas displays. A spot for utility E.ON Sweden.

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