

EA (Electronic Arts)

DraftFCB, San Francisco


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To promote this product, mothers were shown scenes from the computer game “Dead Space 2” and their reactions to it caught on camera.

Flo Heiss: “It’s revolting. It’s violent. It’s everything you love in a game.” “Your mum hates Dead Space 2” comes along as a bit of a mix between Whopper Virgins and a “Have you been goatse-d?” memes, but I love the simplicity of this and how the inevitable
in game footage has actually got a point for once. “Why would they even make something like this?’ – Genius.”

More: DraftFCB San Francisco

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EA (Electronic Arts)

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To promote this product, mothers were shown scenes from the computer game “Dead Space 2” and their reactions to it caught on camera.

Flo Heiss: "It’s revolting. It’s violent. It’s everything you love in a game." "Your mum hates Dead Space 2" comes along as a bit of a mix between Whopper Virgins and a "Have you been goatse-d?" memes, but I love the simplicity of this and how the inevitable in game footage has actually got a point for once. "Why would they even make something like this?’ – Genius."

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