


Jung von Matt/ Next Alster, Hamburg


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Edeka “Herren Des Feuers”
“Guardians of the Galaxy” actor Christopher Fairbank takes us with him on a journey through time in which everything revolves around the subject of fire. Commencing way back in the days when earth was “freshly forged,” Edeka’s #Herren des Feuers (“Master of the Fire”) commercial follows the “flame eternal” right through to the present day in the shape of a man standing at a barbecue grill, harnessing the power of fire and exclaiming: “Just me, my meat, and the flames of my grill!”

More: Jung von Matt/ Next Alster Hamburg

More: Edeka

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Edeka “Herren Des Feuers” “Guardians of the Galaxy” actor Christopher Fairbank takes us with him on a journey through time in which everything revolves around the subject of fire. Commencing way back in the days when earth was “freshly forged,” Edeka’s #Herren des Feuers (“Master of the Fire”) commercial follows the “flame eternal” right through to the present day in the shape of a man standing at a barbecue grill, harnessing the power of fire and exclaiming: “Just me, my meat, and the flames of my grill!”

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