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Eram “La Soirée” [01:00]# For the Eram chain of shoe stores a variation on “Cinderella” with a few decidedly contemporary twists. It is a young man who charms a lady at some festive occasion, then suddenly looks at his watch and rushes off, leaving one of his shoes – along with his card – on the steps. The young woman picks up the shoe, reads the card and follows him to his apartment. Full of anticipation, she climbs the stairs to the floor where he lives – only to find a whole throng of women in evening gowns, as well as one tuxedoed man, who apparently have all succumbed to the young man’s charms, and waiting in front of his door, all of them holding a single shoe in their hands. They turn toward the new arrival and, in unison, sing the price of the shoes. MVO: “Eram. It would be madness to spend more.

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Eram "La Soirée" [01:00]# For the Eram chain of shoe stores a variation on "Cinderella" with a few decidedly contemporary twists. It is a young man who charms a lady at some festive occasion, then suddenly looks at his watch and rushes off, leaving one of his shoes - along with his card - on the steps. The young woman picks up the shoe, reads the card and follows him to his apartment. Full of anticipation, she climbs the stairs to the floor where he lives - only to find a whole throng of women in evening gowns, as well as one tuxedoed man, who apparently have all succumbed to the young man's charms, and waiting in front of his door, all of them holding a single shoe in their hands. They turn toward the new arrival and, in unison, sing the price of the shoes. MVO: "Eram. It would be madness to spend more.

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