


Zee Agency, Paris


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The new Luc Besson movie, “The Lady,” is about Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Myanmar, who campaigns for the non-violent democratization of her country. Those visiting this website can express their solidarity by uploading a photo of themselves in the abhaya mudra position.
James Hilton: “Politics. It’s a bit of a no-go zone, really. Driving cars on iPads is much safer territory. But sometimes you find something that is so simple, so beautifully executed and so important it has to be mentioned. The Wall of Freedom allows you to
upload a photo of yourself in the abhaya mudra position (left hand raised – symbolizing peace, prosperity, freedom). Your photo then becomes one of the pixels in a portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s first Lady of Freedom, designed by contemporary American graphic designer Shepard Fairey. Best of all, you can scroll over everyone else who’s put their hand up, too, and see their definitions of freedom. Soul-nourishing stuff.”

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The new Luc Besson movie, “The Lady,” is about Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Prize Winner from Myanmar, who campaigns for the non-violent democratization of her country. Those visiting this website can express their solidarity by uploading a photo of themselves in the abhaya mudra position. James Hilton: “Politics. It’s a bit of a no-go zone, really. Driving cars on iPads is much safer territory. But sometimes you find something that is so simple, so beautifully executed and so important it has to be mentioned. The Wall of Freedom allows you to upload a photo of yourself in the abhaya mudra position (left hand raised – symbolizing peace, prosperity, freedom). Your photo then becomes one of the pixels in a portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s first Lady of Freedom, designed by contemporary American graphic designer Shepard Fairey. Best of all, you can scroll over everyone else who’s put their hand up, too, and see their definitions of freedom. Soul-nourishing stuff.”

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