La Comunidad, Buenos Aires
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Filmsuez “Clarence” (01:00) #
Simplicity is the hallmark of this commercial in which friends chat about this and
that until, suddenly, the conversation
turns to the subject of a picture one of
them is holding. When asked to show it,
the guy coyly hesitates, saying it is the
saddest picture in the entire world.
Finally, he turns the work around –
revealing a cat with a pipe. Everyone
breaks out in tears, with the exception of
one who is unable to understand why
they are all so sad. Pay-off: “If it’s not for
you, it’s not for you. Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival.”
- Client Filmsuez
- Ad Agency La Comunidad, Buenos Aires
- Art Director Fernando Sosa, Ignacio Ferioli
- Copywriter Ramiro Raposo
- Production Company argentinacine, Buenos Aires
- Director Zapida-López
More: La Comunidad Buenos Aires
More: Filmsuez
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