Folgers Coffee
Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
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Folgers “Happy Morning” (01:30) #
Folgers claim to make mornings more
“tolerable” with their coffee. This commercial,
which starts off calmly enough
with beautiful images of dawn breaking,
suddenly turns into a musical extravaganza
featuring a horde of identically
dressed sprites sporting yellow wigs,
prancing around and singing their “Happy
Mornings” tune to people like you
and me drowsily coping with having to
get up. So campy it has to be seen to be
believed, this spot has attracted online
comments such as “Folgers, now spiked
with LSD!”
- Client Folgers Coffee
- Ad Agency Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
- Art Director Jan Jacobs
- Copywriter Leo Premutico
- Production Company The Sweetshop
- Director Steve Ayson
More: Saatchi & Saatchi New York
More: Folgers Coffee
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