

Food Standards Agency

RKCR/Y&R, London


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Food Standards Agency: “Bitchy Nuts” [00:22]# The Food Standards Agency, a government body overseeing all aspects of food and nutrition, has launched these spots to draw attention to gaps that may exist in people’s perception of healthy eating. They were produced in association with UKTV program “Family Supercooks,” in which families compete with one another in efforts to cook well – and to cook healthily. The amusing commercials get sausages, potatoes and fish fingers talking, many of them complaining about the poor way in which they are being prepared. Super: “Family Supercooks with Foods Standard Agency.”

More: RKCR/Y&R London

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Food Standards Agency

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Food Standards Agency: "Bitchy Nuts" [00:22]# The Food Standards Agency, a government body overseeing all aspects of food and nutrition, has launched these spots to draw attention to gaps that may exist in people’s perception of healthy eating. They were produced in association with UKTV program “Family Supercooks,” in which families compete with one another in efforts to cook well – and to cook healthily. The amusing commercials get sausages, potatoes and fish fingers talking, many of them complaining about the poor way in which they are being prepared. Super: “Family Supercooks with Foods Standard Agency.”

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