Foster´s Twist
M&C Saatchi, London
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Foster’s Twist “Laid Back” (00:30) #
“Let It All Hang Out,” the 60s song by The
Hombres, is used to illustrate the typically
“laid back” feeling of the 60s. That
mood translates into “relaxed,” enabling
the beer-drinking party community to lean
back and – in more modern parlance – to
“chill.” Providing, of course, the brew they
ordered really is a Foster’s – otherwise,
the comfortable back-leaning position can
soon cause them to tumble to the floor.
- Client Foster´s Twist
- Ad Agency M&C Saatchi, London
- Art Director Uche Ezugwu
- Copywriter Tom Drew
- Production Company Smith & Sons, London
- Director Ulf Johansson
More: M&C Saatchi London
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