

France TV

Publicis Conseil, Paris


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France TV “PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games”#
The Winter Olympics come around once again, yet why are French commentators and the sportspersons themselves whispering and
urging others to keep the noise down? Well, since broadcasts begin at 1am, they all want to avoid waking the children of parents who are so keen they don’t want to miss a single minute of France TV’s live coverage of the event.

More: Publicis Conseil Paris

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France TV “PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games”# The Winter Olympics come around once again, yet why are French commentators and the sportspersons themselves whispering and urging others to keep the noise down? Well, since broadcasts begin at 1am, they all want to avoid waking the children of parents who are so keen they don’t want to miss a single minute of France TV’s live coverage of the event.

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