

Fuel TV, Los Angeles

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Fuel TV: “Tame the beast” [00:30]# Two amazingly animated spots for online platform, where one can watch films and see photos from the world of snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing and biking. In the first, a surfer is whizzing through a tunnel wave generator when he is attacked by a sea monster. Deftly deploying a few surfing tricks, he uses his sharp-edged board to slit the monster’s throat. In the second spot, a biker and a skater crash into one another. Emerging from the debris that remains are two strange creatures – a winged heart and a winged eye – that subsequently engage in a wild chase.

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Fuel TV, Los Angeles

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Fuel TV: "Tame the beast" [00:30]# Two amazingly animated spots for online platform, where one can watch films and see photos from the world of snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing and biking. In the first, a surfer is whizzing through a tunnel wave generator when he is attacked by a sea monster. Deftly deploying a few surfing tricks, he uses his sharp-edged board to slit the monster’s throat. In the second spot, a biker and a skater crash into one another. Emerging from the debris that remains are two strange creatures – a winged heart and a winged eye – that subsequently engage in a wild chase.

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