General Mills Inc., Minneapolis
Publicis Modem, New York
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Fiber One: “Gravity” + “Bleep” + “Animals” [00:90]# Many people are stricken by doubt. To dispel these doubts, they visit groups to combat their doubts with other doubters. Cliff, for example, does not believe in animals, while Jessie does not believe in “bleep“ (used here as a sexual innuendo), David does not believe in gravity, and a woman in the group is unable to credit the fact that Fiber One cereals are so healthy – because they simply taste too good. Super: “Fiber One. High in fiber, even though it tastes great.”
- Client General Mills Inc., Minneapolis
- Ad Agency Publicis Modem, New York
- Art Director Jonathan Goldberg
- Copywriter Chris Stevenson
- Production Company Hero Content, New York
- Director Joe Schaak