Euro RSCG, Milan
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Generali “Nice Life”(00:50) #
Completing one’s morning ablutions in the
middle of the African savannah, surrounded by wild animals, is – if one is to
believe the new spot from Generali – no
longer a problem if one has taken out the
right insurance. Get up in the morning
with a protective pride of lions around
you, sip a cup of coffee and read the
paper while a herd of galloping gnus
thunder by. A leisurely shave by the lake,
eyeball to eyeball with the crocodiles,
making the day’s first calls with a snake
around one’s neck … And then, come the
late evening, sleeping back in the bosom
of one’s loved ones – er, beloved lions. All
this to fit in with the strapline, “Your
future is more protected when you are in
good company.”
- Client Generali
- Ad Agency Euro RSCG, Milan
- Art Director Marco Peyrano
- Production Company Parco Film, Italy