Gevalia Coffee
Tank / Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Stockholm
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3 spots [00:30]# What to serve unexpected guests, is the idea behind this campaign for Gevalia coffee. And the way the two men and the woman in these three spots some into the lives of other people is unexpected indeed. Taking a whole wall with him, the first man falls into his neighbor’s apartment when he tries to hang up a picture The second spot shows us a woman who dives into a swimming pool on a cruise liner. She resurfaces in the sea. Fortunately, there’s an elegant little yacht nearby and its owner looks more than pleased to accommodate the young lady. In the third commercial, a weightlifter becomes to heavy for the floor to bear him and he crashes down into the apartment below.
- Client Gevalia Coffee
- Ad Agency Tank / Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Stockholm
- Art Director Lars Hansson
- Copywriter Svante Toerngren
- Production Company Oh la la, Helsinki
- Director Olavi Hakkinen
More: Tank / Young & Rubicam (Y&R) Stockholm
More: Gevalia Coffee
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