

Good Hope FM

BBDO, Cape Town


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Good Hope FM: “Phone” [00:30]# Two business types are walking along the street whingeing about their life. The cell phone trills, the ring tone being some 80s hit that sends the two of them into raptures. Those were the days – or were they? Suddenly, the two of them are standing there in 80s gear, and the mobile has turned into a telephone receiver on the end of a cord that is about a mile or so long. In the second spot, two guys on the beach reminisce in similar style: “Not everything was cool back then. But the music was.” Campaign for the Kinky Afro Album Volume 1.

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Good Hope FM: "Phone" [00:30]# Two business types are walking along the street whingeing about their life. The cell phone trills, the ring tone being some 80s hit that sends the two of them into raptures. Those were the days – or were they? Suddenly, the two of them are standing there in 80s gear, and the mobile has turned into a telephone receiver on the end of a cord that is about a mile or so long. In the second spot, two guys on the beach reminisce in similar style: “Not everything was cool back then. But the music was.” Campaign for the Kinky Afro Album Volume 1.

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