

Grandma Hackers

Robert/Boisen & Likeminded, Copenhagen


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What at first seems funny is actually kind of creepy. This video shows how easy it is to hack into someone’s computer: even a grandma who doesn’t really know how an email works is able to quickly get a hang of hacking her granddaughter’s computer. Just let that sink in for a moment …

Rimantas Stanevicius: “Normally, they would scare you with criminals trying to steal your personal data or with some middle-aged men pretending to be teenagers. Not this time. A classic ‘if <insert an unlikely subject> can do it, anyone can’ trick made into a fun experiment for a cybersecurity software brand.”

More: Robert/Boisen & Likeminded Copenhagen

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Grandma Hackers

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What at first seems funny is actually kind of creepy. This video shows how easy it is to hack into someone’s computer: even a grandma who doesn’t really know how an email works is able to quickly get a hang of hacking her granddaughter’s computer. Just let that sink in for a moment …

Rimantas Stanevicius: “Normally, they would scare you with criminals trying to steal your personal data or with some middle-aged men pretending to be teenagers. Not this time. A classic ‘if <insert an unlikely subject> can do it, anyone can’ trick made into a fun experiment for a cybersecurity software brand.”

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