


Thomas Bohn, Interteam Films, Grunwald, Thomas Bohn


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Greenpeace “Schutzschild” [01:00]# A spot for Greenpeace that juxtaposes shots of planet earth, with a kind of superimposed net symbolizing the ozone layer and a battle between two knights. On of them pounces with his sword on the other’s shield, which slowly breaks to pieces. Every time the shield gets hit there’s a cut to our planet and part of the net disappears into space, leaving the atmosphere less and less protected from the sun’s harmful rays. When the knight gets ready for the final blow, again a cut to our planet and a loud scream. Super: We mustn’t destroy our planet’s ozone layer. (Note: The German expression for ozone layer is :Ozonschild” – ozone shield, which explains the analogy with the knight’s shield.)

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Greenpeace "Schutzschild" [01:00]# A spot for Greenpeace that juxtaposes shots of planet earth, with a kind of superimposed net symbolizing the ozone layer and a battle between two knights. On of them pounces with his sword on the other's shield, which slowly breaks to pieces. Every time the shield gets hit there's a cut to our planet and part of the net disappears into space, leaving the atmosphere less and less protected from the sun's harmful rays. When the knight gets ready for the final blow, again a cut to our planet and a loud scream. Super: We mustn't destroy our planet's ozone layer. (Note: The German expression for ozone layer is :Ozonschild" - ozone shield, which explains the analogy with the knight's shield.)

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