


Publicis Mojo, Auckland


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Greenpeace “Breathe” (01:00) #
In this “Keep the oceans alive” commercial
for Greenpeace, every single breath
taken has a knock-on effect on the tides.
Every time someone breathes, the tides
of the oceans flood the surrounding country,
and pull back again when breath is
exhaled – irrespective of whether the
time-lapse images show sandy beaches
or mountainous country. Tagline: “Half of
the oxygen we breathe comes from the

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Greenpeace “Breathe” (01:00) # In this “Keep the oceans alive” commercial for Greenpeace, every single breath taken has a knock-on effect on the tides. Every time someone breathes, the tides of the oceans flood the surrounding country, and pull back again when breath is exhaled – irrespective of whether the time-lapse images show sandy beaches or mountainous country. Tagline: “Half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the oceans.”

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