GSK (Lactacyd)
Grey, Amsterdam
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Lactacyd: “Protect yourself” [00:30]# In his spot, we are shown life from the perspective of a vagina, witnessing all the strains it is exposed to on a daily basis. These things include toilet tissue, tampons, razor blades, or sex. Things, in other words, that are everyday occurrences for women. That is why they are urged to use Lactacyd brand intimate care and protection products. Pay-off: “Protect yourself everyday.”
- Client GSK (Lactacyd)
- Ad Agency Grey, Amsterdam
- Art Director Elisa Beenakker
- Copywriter Elisa Beenakker
- Production Company Fat Fred's Film & Photo Company, Amsterdam
- Director Robert Nylund
More: Grey Amsterdam
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GSK (Lactacyd)
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