


Gucci / In-House, Amsterdam


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On this spread and the following page, motifs from the current campaign for gucci, reflecting the enormous image gain this brand has been experiencing ever since Texan fashion designer Tom Ford has been in charge of its products. Up until about two years ago, Gucci had pretty much lost its fromer cachet and tended to be associated with aging playboys and affluent matrons. Tom Ford’s fashion designs for Gucci have turned the brand into one of the trendiest and sought-after labels worldwide.

More: Gucci / In-House Amsterdam

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On this spread and the following page, motifs from the current campaign for gucci, reflecting the enormous image gain this brand has been experiencing ever since Texan fashion designer Tom Ford has been in charge of its products. Up until about two years ago, Gucci had pretty much lost its fromer cachet and tended to be associated with aging playboys and affluent matrons. Tom Ford's fashion designs for Gucci have turned the brand into one of the trendiest and sought-after labels worldwide.

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