


Irish International BBDO, Dublin


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Guinness “Best Mates” (01:00) #
As the spot begins, one might be forgiven
for thinking it is a clip from the
award-winning movie “The March of the
Penguins.” We see two penguins that,
whenever faced with some rather precarious
situation, miraculously always manage
to extricate themselves. The two of
them, explains a voice from the off, have
become friends for life. Their hazardous
journey through the icy wastes ends in a
pub, where they order themselves a Guinness.
With no cash to hand, however, not
a drop is to be had, yet their wallet must
have gone missing somewhere along the
way – and so off they trot again.

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Guinness “Best Mates” (01:00) # As the spot begins, one might be forgiven for thinking it is a clip from the award-winning movie “The March of the Penguins.” We see two penguins that, whenever faced with some rather precarious situation, miraculously always manage to extricate themselves. The two of them, explains a voice from the off, have become friends for life. Their hazardous journey through the icy wastes ends in a pub, where they order themselves a Guinness. With no cash to hand, however, not a drop is to be had, yet their wallet must have gone missing somewhere along the way – and so off they trot again.

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