


McCann, Mumbai


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Hanes “Wedding Night”(01:00) #
Do we detect a hint of Bollywood?
Great things lie in wait for this excitable
Indian beauty – the first nuptial night
with her beloved, no less. But pure
romance is not what she finds when she
expectantly enters the conjugal bedchamber.
She is, in fact, overcome by
terror when her husband begins applying
scissors to his nether regions. It is,
however, truly unbearable when irritating
underwear labels keep itching. If
he’d bought Hanes’ label-free undergarments
instead, he wouldn’t now have
to be fidgeting around in his smalls.

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Hanes “Wedding Night”(01:00) # Do we detect a hint of Bollywood? Great things lie in wait for this excitable Indian beauty – the first nuptial night with her beloved, no less. But pure romance is not what she finds when she expectantly enters the conjugal bedchamber. She is, in fact, overcome by terror when her husband begins applying scissors to his nether regions. It is, however, truly unbearable when irritating underwear labels keep itching. If he’d bought Hanes’ label-free undergarments instead, he wouldn’t now have to be fidgeting around in his smalls.

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