

Heinz Backed Beans

DDB, Melbourne


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Heinz Baked Beans “Christine” (00:50) #
A US supermarket serves as setting for
this spot. Two men are both about to
reach for the same brand of canned food
at the same time when one of them fancies he might have recognized the other.
Yet the other hesitates. When he then
introduces himself as Christine, the other
suddenly recalls a scene kissing his highschool sweetheart. Yet it would appear
that, at some point in the interim, Christine has become Christian. A little embarrassed, he reaches for the can of beans,
whereupon “Christine” affectionately pinches him in the tummy. “Some things never
change,” proclaims Heinz.

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Heinz Baked Beans “Christine” (00:50) # A US supermarket serves as setting for this spot. Two men are both about to reach for the same brand of canned food at the same time when one of them fancies he might have recognized the other. Yet the other hesitates. When he then introduces himself as Christine, the other suddenly recalls a scene kissing his highschool sweetheart. Yet it would appear that, at some point in the interim, Christine has become Christian. A little embarrassed, he reaches for the can of beans, whereupon “Christine” affectionately pinches him in the tummy. “Some things never change,” proclaims Heinz.

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