

Highline Residences

VMW Group, Singapore


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Apartment viewing in Singapore made easy using a VR headset that
cuts time and effort for renters and buyers while also reducing an
agent’s or developer’s need for showflats.

Eugen Suman: “VR done right for Keppel Singapore. We will all be visiting apartments in virtual reality before considering buying or renting. Right after VR gets into every home, I’m expecting to see a real boom in true VR experiences for brands this and the next year, I’ve seen some incredible ones for bands and artists. This is a medium you cannot explain to someone that hasn’t experienced it, but everyone who does go down the rabbit hole will want to own one of these devices.”

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Apartment viewing in Singapore made easy using a VR headset that
cuts time and effort for renters and buyers while also reducing an
agent’s or developer’s need for showflats.

Eugen Suman: “VR done right for Keppel Singapore. We will all be visiting apartments in virtual reality before considering buying or renting. Right after VR gets into every home, I’m expecting to see a real boom in true VR experiences for brands this and the next year, I’ve seen some incredible ones for bands and artists. This is a medium you cannot explain to someone that hasn’t experienced it, but everyone who does go down the rabbit hole will want to own one of these devices.”

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