Holsten Export
Woollams Moira Gaskin O'Malley, London
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Holsten Export #
Taking Holsten Export back to its roots, this campaign shot in an intentionally amateurish home video style, presents the viewer with scenes from Hamburg’s red-light district, St. Pauli. The presenter, hidden by the subjective camera, is directed to “Holstenstrasse” by the friendly German “Polizei” he calls “yuppie police” since they drive a BMW. We meet luscious barmaid Helga who, according to the commentary, used to be chief petty officer Heinz Muller, and who beats our off-camera guide in an arm-wrestling match. Finally, there is an excursion to the famous Café Keefer where the women ask the men for a dance, an excursion which is, however, cut short when a German “Hausfrau” in black leather invites the “kleiner Englander” to dance. The motto of the whole campaign: “Holsten Export. A pure beer in a wicked world.”
- Client Holsten Export
- Ad Agency Woollams Moira Gaskin O'Malley, London
- Art Director Malcolm Gaskin
- Copywriter Gerry Moira
- Production Company Lewin & Watson, London
- Director Nick Lewin
More: Woollams Moira Gaskin O’Malley London
More: Holsten Export
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