


Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg


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Children´s Ikea “Shorty” [00:45] + “Carpet” [01:00]#
A little boy helps himself to a huge serving of mashed potatoes at the family dinner table. Long after everybody else is finished, he’s still stuffing his face until he has cleared his plate. Back in his room, he looks at the large poster of his idol – a baseball player – pulls out the extension of his Ikea-bed and lies down, apparently hoping that that measures taken will make him grow up overnight. Pay-off: “Ikea. Stuff to grow up with.” The second commercial shows the tribulations of a mother who – with the help of Ikea tries to have her daughter’s furniture match her daughter’s inventive playfulness. Pay-off: “We know how kids think. Sometimes.”

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Children´s Ikea "Shorty" [00:45] + "Carpet" [01:00]# A little boy helps himself to a huge serving of mashed potatoes at the family dinner table. Long after everybody else is finished, he's still stuffing his face until he has cleared his plate. Back in his room, he looks at the large poster of his idol - a baseball player - pulls out the extension of his Ikea-bed and lies down, apparently hoping that that measures taken will make him grow up overnight. Pay-off: "Ikea. Stuff to grow up with." The second commercial shows the tribulations of a mother who - with the help of Ikea tries to have her daughter's furniture match her daughter's inventive playfulness. Pay-off: "We know how kids think. Sometimes."

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