Deutsch, New York
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A beaming, absolutely perfect mother,
a green-fingered father, a gamesobsessed
son, and all of this in one
and the same living room. Using timelapse
techniques, the years are shown
to pass by – yet the rituals remain
unchanged. One day, however, the boy
– now playing a Game Boy – gets tired
of things. Does the mother always have
to call them into the kitchen when the
meal is ready to be served? “You are
ruining my life,” is his dramatic statement.
Pay-off: “For living rooms, they
cannot last puberty.”
- Client Ikea
- Ad Agency Deutsch, New York
- Art Director Anthony Alvarez, Jimmy Mccain
- Copywriter Jason Ashlock, Emily Frankfurt
- Production Company Smuggler, Los Angeles
- Director Renny Maslow
More: Deutsch New York
More: Ikea
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