

Image Hack

Mindshare Copenhagen


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A film urging users of Shutterstock and other stock sites to avoid gender stereotyping, most especially by avoiding images that portray women as objects. Working together with top advertising photographers,
agencies and brands, the “Image Hack” campaign helped to do this by uploading and tagging new images, thus “tweaking” the search results thrown up by such sites.

Eva Santos: “Everyone knows Dove’s global purpose about recognizing true beauty. I believe that at this point they know that recognition is not enough: it is necessary to take action. Projects such as this, where they introduced new images under the beauty tag in an image bank such as Shutterstock, are a good example of how to do it.”

More: Mindshare Copenhagen

More: Dove

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A film urging users of Shutterstock and other stock sites to avoid gender stereotyping, most especially by avoiding images that portray women as objects. Working together with top advertising photographers,
agencies and brands, the “Image Hack” campaign helped to do this by uploading and tagging new images, thus “tweaking” the search results thrown up by such sites.

Eva Santos: “Everyone knows Dove’s global purpose about recognizing true beauty. I believe that at this point they know that recognition is not enough: it is necessary to take action. Projects such as this, where they introduced new images under the beauty tag in an image bank such as Shutterstock, are a good example of how to do it.”

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