ING Direct
OgilvyOne, Madrid
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Steve Vranakis: “ ‘The monster that wouldn’t let children go to school’ is a UNICEF-based initiative that allows users to watch stories
then send donations by text that become ‘keys’ which allow children to defeat monsters and gain access to education. Only after
you’ve texted can you see how the story plays out. An interactive narrative that unfolds as you donate. A really nice idea for a very
worthwhile cause. The film is beautifully crafted and the music charming. The handmade cardboard-esque world
is incredible and the tone is just right. Not too worthy, yet still making its point in a very inspiring way. A very
original way to get people to support an important cause, through the promise of a dynamically driven story that you
control through your good will. A lovely new way to monetize content whilst helping the people who need it most.”
- Client ING Direct
- Ad Agency OgilvyOne, Madrid
- Creative Director Jesús Rasines, Diego Gozález
- Art Director Sara Moreno
- Copywriter Sonia de Pedro
More: OgilvyOne Madrid
More: ING Direct
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