

ITV Digital

Mother, London


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ITV Digital : “Monkey Girlfriend” [00:40]# A monkey and a fat guy live together and share a TV. The first spot offers customers their own monkey if they subscribe to ITV. That explains why the monkey was chased by a mob when he went shopping. Now he has to wear a disguise so no one will try to take him home with them. In the second spot, the fat guy surfs the internet, using ITV Active, to find a girlfriend for the monkey. Monkey protests that he does not need any help with women, but late at night he is caught chatting with someone at The third spot advertises the fact that ITV offers 700 films each month. Tonight’s choice will be “Silence of the Monkeys.”

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ITV Digital

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ITV Digital : "Monkey Girlfriend" [00:40]# A monkey and a fat guy live together and share a TV. The first spot offers customers their own monkey if they subscribe to ITV. That explains why the monkey was chased by a mob when he went shopping. Now he has to wear a disguise so no one will try to take him home with them. In the second spot, the fat guy surfs the internet, using ITV Active, to find a girlfriend for the monkey. Monkey protests that he does not need any help with women, but late at night he is caught chatting with someone at The third spot advertises the fact that ITV offers 700 films each month. Tonight's choice will be "Silence of the Monkeys."

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