J&B Brand Scotch
KesselsKramer, Amsterdam
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J&B Whiskey “Start a Party” (00:40) #
At the centre of this spot, which is a little
reminiscent of concept art, are some huge
glittering mirrorballs that people on the
street are carrying around with them as if
it were the most natural thing in the
world. The mirrorballs are rolled through
the streets and sprayed down in the car
wash. In the process, they give off a
sparkling light and, wherever they may
roll, they also spread an infectiously
upbeat mood. This is J& B’s way of calling
on people to start a party.
- Client J&B Brand Scotch
- Ad Agency KesselsKramer, Amsterdam
- Art Director Ewoudt Boonstra
- Copywriter Dave Bell, Steve Hanson
- Production Company The Sweet Shop
- Director Michael Wong
More: KesselsKramer Amsterdam
More: J&B Brand Scotch
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