Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
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JC Penney “Wake up” (01:00) #
A mother is woken in the middle of the
night by lights. Quick as a flash, she hurries into her children’s room and rouses
her two daughters. As if a disaster had
struck, the children are quickly dressed
and some food packed before they are
whisked off out of the house. Crowds of
people are now out on the streets. Once
the three of them have safely reached
their car, the mother finally reveals to the
children what this is all about: they are on
the way to the After Thanksgiving Sale at
JC Penney, which is opening its store at
- Client JCPenney
- Ad Agency Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
- Art Director Menno Kluin , Michael Schachtner
- Copywriter Julia Neumann
- Production Company Epoch Films, New York
- Director Mike Long