

John Smith’s Bitter

DDB, London


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John Smith Bitter “Complaint” & “Ladybugs” [00:30]#
The star of these spots for John Smith Bitter is simply a glass full of the brew which is featured center screen throughout the commercials. In the first one there is a complaint by a viewer who likes his beer commercials to have more actions. The MVO directs this man’s attention to a small bubble stealthily rising to the accompaniment of the James Bond theme tune. The second commercial even adds a bit of romance by featuring a couple of ladybugs making out next to the glass.

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John Smith Bitter "Complaint" & "Ladybugs" [00:30]# The star of these spots for John Smith Bitter is simply a glass full of the brew which is featured center screen throughout the commercials. In the first one there is a complaint by a viewer who likes his beer commercials to have more actions. The MVO directs this man's attention to a small bubble stealthily rising to the accompaniment of the James Bond theme tune. The second commercial even adds a bit of romance by featuring a couple of ladybugs making out next to the glass.

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