Journal Frankfurt
Publicis, Frankfurt
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“Jacob Sisters” + “Imbiß” [01:20]# The Jacob Sisters, leftovers from the dredges of the German entertainment business in the 60s, turn up and babble about their mascots, three white poodles who are dressed according to what their misteresses wear. Then the dogs´hairdresser introduces herself and we watch some fascinatingly awful images of the dogs being shorn. Cut to logo of the dogs Journal Frankfurt, a weekly magazine, and the super: “We tell you what the trend really is.” The second spot ends on the message, “Journal Frankfurt. We tell you where you really can find fine food.”
- Client Journal Frankfurt
- Ad Agency Publicis, Frankfurt
- Art Director Doris Schmidt
- Copywriter Emmo von Debschitz, Armin Reins
- Production Company Torpedo, Frankfurt am Main
- Director Claudio Malasomma
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