


Try/Apt, Oslo


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KIMs “Mix-Up” (00:30) #
Without a bag of crisps, a relaxing
afternoon spent watching the telly just
isn’t the same – at least that’s what the
two youngsters in this spot feel. One of
them volunteers to go to the supermarket
and quickly purchase provisions.
Yet only after he’s stepped back through
his own front door does he realize that
there must have been some kind of mixup
at the supermarket. And once the
two of them actually see what’s inside
their bag, they can’t suppress their
screams: vegetables and other healthy
stuff! A similar thing happens to the
queenie couple who ended up with their
bag of chips. They also erupt in terrified
screams – or shrieks, respectively –
when they discover the error. The tagline
– “No KIMs. No joy.” – obviously
means little to them.

More: Try/Apt Oslo

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KIMs “Mix-Up” (00:30) # Without a bag of crisps, a relaxing afternoon spent watching the telly just isn’t the same – at least that’s what the two youngsters in this spot feel. One of them volunteers to go to the supermarket and quickly purchase provisions. Yet only after he’s stepped back through his own front door does he realize that there must have been some kind of mixup at the supermarket. And once the two of them actually see what’s inside their bag, they can’t suppress their screams: vegetables and other healthy stuff! A similar thing happens to the queenie couple who ended up with their bag of chips. They also erupt in terrified screams – or shrieks, respectively – when they discover the error. The tagline – “No KIMs. No joy.” – obviously means little to them.

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