McCann, Malmö
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Lätta “Wasp” (00:45)# Today’s most important goals are health and vitality. Anything fattening is out. And if you’re fit, you can do things others only dream of. Like in this spot for Lätta Light. A young man is running through a housing estate like a flash. One isn’t too sure who or what is pursuing him. The solution comes at the very end when he suddenly stops and waits. Finally, the viewer is able to recognize what he’s been running away from … it’s a wasp. But the insect is completely exhausted from the chase and breaks down on the ground while our hero continues along in a much more relaxed and casual manner. Thanks, Lätta!
- Client Laetta
- Ad Agency McCann, Malmö
- Art Director Albin Wendel
- Copywriter Gunnar Peterson
- Production Company ACNE, Stockholm
- Director Max Vitali
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