League Against Cancer
Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Lima
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League against Cancer: “Stiff neck” [00:34]# Two ladies are sitting and talking on a park bench, one of them sounding as if she has a cold and repeatedly sneezing. She tells her friend that she has cancer, whereupon the other one says she should wear warm clothes and not eat anything cold. The second spot is similar in nature, only this time featuring a construction worker with a stiff neck. The campaign is designed to communicate the fact that, today, a cancer diagnosis is by no means a death sentence. Super: “Cancer that is detected early enough can be as curable as a cold or a stiff neck.”
- Client League Against Cancer
- Ad Agency Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Lima
- Art Director Christian "Tin" Sánchez, Erick Galván
- Copywriter Flavio Pantigoso, Daniel de León, José Miguel Rivera
- Production Company Kchina Films, Peru
- Director Bacha Caravedo