DDB, London
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Marmite “Paddington Bear” (00:30) #
The new commercial for Marmite, a vegetarian
spread, this time relies on Paddington
Bear, Britain’s endearing children’s
book figure. For lunch, Paddington
rustles up a piece of bread out of his hat
and considers whether to spread it with
something other than the usual jam. Inspired
by a poster, he elects to use “Marmite”
instead, and it would appear to be
very much to his liking – unlike that of the
pigeon to which he hands a few crumbs.
Scared off by the bitter taste, the pigeon
flies away, triggering a chain reaction and
– ultimately – an accident. In the end, Paddington
is seen being taken away by a policeman.
“Marmite. You either love it or
hate it.”
- Client Marmite
- Ad Agency DDB, London
- Art Director Rob Messeter
- Copywriter Mike Crowe
- Production Company Tandem Films Ltd., London
- Director Daniel Greaves
More: DDB London
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