Mars (Masterfoods)
BBDO, New York
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Snickers: “Betty White” [00:30]# This was the most popular among the Super Bowl commercials: Snickers shows Golden Girl “Rose” Betty White on the football field, where she is easy prey for the young guys in the team. After being tackled by an opponent, Betty White struggles to get up again, yet the team keeps asking what is up with “Mike.“ In actual fact, the player in question is a young guy going through a bad patch and therefore playing as if he were Betty White. Yet one bite of his Snickers and Mike is his old self once again. It is only his hunger that gets him performing so poorly. And the picture is a similar one when, at the end of the spot, the player is seen lying on the ground in the figure of Abe Vigoda (a US character actor who, in 1982, attracted a lot of publicity when People Magazine wrongly claimed he was dead; since then, his falsely reported death has become a running gag in the US). Super: “You’re not you when you’re hungry. Snickers satisfies.”
- Client Mars (Masterfoods)
- Ad Agency BBDO, New York
- Art Director Gianfranco Arena
- Copywriter Peter Kain
- Production Company MJZ, Los Angeles
- Director Craig Gillespie
More: BBDO New York
More: Mars (Masterfoods)
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