

Mars (Masterfoods)

Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO, London


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Snickers “Rap Battle”#
Kicking off at a house-party with an MC battle featuring loads of famous talent, this spot has an unexpected twist planned for everyone. In the battle, Elton John suddenly steps in out of nowhere singing his song “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” while everyone looks on in confusion. Only rapper Femi Nylander knows how to help by handing Elton a Snickers bar, which turns him back into himself, namely Boogie.

More: Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO London

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Snickers “Rap Battle”# Kicking off at a house-party with an MC battle featuring loads of famous talent, this spot has an unexpected twist planned for everyone. In the battle, Elton John suddenly steps in out of nowhere singing his song “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” while everyone looks on in confusion. Only rapper Femi Nylander knows how to help by handing Elton a Snickers bar, which turns him back into himself, namely Boogie.

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