

Mars Petfood / Frolic



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Frolic: “Swimming Pool” [00:30]# Amusing similarities can be found not only between dogs and their owners but also between dogs and humans in general. The cliché of the old ugly man and the young/pretty woman who stays with him only for his money is, for example, mirrored among dogs when it come to their feeding habits. Frolic gets the hearts of many a female dog beating faster. Without this, in fact, the elegant lady poodle would never be able to endure her life in the company of the wheezy, slobbering bulldog. Super: “She’s only with him for his biscuits.“

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Mars Petfood / Frolic

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Frolic: "Swimming Pool" [00:30]# Amusing similarities can be found not only between dogs and their owners but also between dogs and humans in general. The cliché of the old ugly man and the young/pretty woman who stays with him only for his money is, for example, mirrored among dogs when it come to their feeding habits. Frolic gets the hearts of many a female dog beating faster. Without this, in fact, the elegant lady poodle would never be able to endure her life in the company of the wheezy, slobbering bulldog. Super: “She’s only with him for his biscuits.“

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