


TAXI, Toronto


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This campaign presents McCain Smootheez
as some kind of bromide which
comes in most handy in times of domestic
crises: as, for example, in the case of
the woman who is seen dusting an
armoire full of trinkets while her husband
is sitting in an armchair nearby.
When one of those trinkets, a ship
inside a glass bottle, crashes to the
ground, the woman storms into the
kitchen, quickly prepares a Strawberry
Smoothie and hands it to her husband,
who still appears to be under shock.
Claim: “New Smooth-eez from McCain.
Ready just in time.”

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This campaign presents McCain Smootheez as some kind of bromide which comes in most handy in times of domestic crises: as, for example, in the case of the woman who is seen dusting an armoire full of trinkets while her husband is sitting in an armchair nearby. When one of those trinkets, a ship inside a glass bottle, crashes to the ground, the woman storms into the kitchen, quickly prepares a Strawberry Smoothie and hands it to her husband, who still appears to be under shock. Claim: “New Smooth-eez from McCain. Ready just in time.”

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