BMB, London
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McCain “Sunflower Park” (01:00) #
The new commercial for McCain Oven
Chips features a spectacular musical production done in a 60s style – featuring
acrobatic dance numbers with authentic
garb thrown in. The little lad at the newsstand is dressed in an original costume
from “Oliver!,” the 1968 musical version
of Oliver Twist. Surrounded by cheery
dancers and singers, the chief protagonist intones a song based on the original
“Food Glorious Food,” the object of his
praise in this particular case being the
“glorious chips.” Above all, however, the
low fat content of the chips is extolled.
“Good to know” runs the tagline under
the closing packshot.
- Client McCain
- Ad Agency BMB, London
- Art Director Bil Bungay
- Copywriter Trevor Beattie
- Production Company Partizan, London
- Director Pete Commins, Michael Gracey