Leo Burnett, Taipei
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McDonald’s “Acceptance”
An embarrassed silence between father and son as they sit facing each other in a McCafé.
Written on the coffee cup he has placed in front of his father are the words: “I like boys.” As the situation becomes ever more tense, the father gets up and leaves – only to reappear a short while later, picking up the pen and inserting the words: “I accept that you like boys” on the very same cup. Pay-off: Say it over coffee.
- Client McDonald's
- Ad Agency Leo Burnett, Taipei
- Creative Director Murphy Chou, Jin Yang
- Art Director Tim Lee, Karl Kuo
- Copywriter Ed Hsieh, John Murn
- Production Company BIT Production
- Director Ya-Chuan Hsiao
More: Leo Burnett Taipei
More: McDonald’s
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