


Heye, Unterhaching


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McDonald’s “Catering” (00:55) #
Finally got the commercial in the can,
and what is now needed is a cool
making-of – one does, after all, want to
create as slick an impression as possible.
And rule #1 here is: never tell the
truth! The well-nourished lead actor
gives an account of the apparently
glitch-free production of the film – while
the subtitles present viewers with the
embarrassing truth of the matter. On
coming to the end of his account, however,
he suddenly, to his own consternation,
starts to tell the truth. The catering,
which was taken care of by
McDonald’s, is one thing he was really
satisfied with.

More: Heye Unterhaching

More: McDonald’s

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McDonald’s “Catering” (00:55) # Finally got the commercial in the can, and what is now needed is a cool making-of – one does, after all, want to create as slick an impression as possible. And rule #1 here is: never tell the truth! The well-nourished lead actor gives an account of the apparently glitch-free production of the film – while the subtitles present viewers with the embarrassing truth of the matter. On coming to the end of his account, however, he suddenly, to his own consternation, starts to tell the truth. The catering, which was taken care of by McDonald’s, is one thing he was really satisfied with.

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