Lowe Porta, Santiago de Chile
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Mentitas “Electricity” (00:30) #
A hard-rock vocal is the centrepiece of
this animated spot. Source of the noise is
a red creature depicting a ginormous
mouth. In its hands, it is holding two
power cables connected to an electric
chair. The poor wretch sitting on the chair
is trembling all over and consists of
nothing more than a nose. Suddenly, a
pack of Mentitas – fresh-breath pastilles
– fall down on to the undoubtedly foulsmelling mouth, putting an end to the
ordeal. Pay-off: “Mentitas. Stop the torture.”
- Client Mentitas
- Ad Agency Lowe Porta, Santiago de Chile
- Art Director Damian Balmaceda, Mariano Pérez
- Copywriter Kiko Carcavilla, Pablo Gallardo
- Production Company 3DOS, Santiago
- Director Eduardo Squella