


DraftFCB, Paris


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“Les péchés capitaux” [01:00]#
An interesting way to present the range of new Mercedes models. Following a title bearing the name of one of the deadly sins we see a corresponding image of a Mercedes model and the effect it has on people. “Envy” is represented by a cyclist gazing dumbly at a classy S class model and taking it in. “Sloth” is illustrated by a woman lounging in the back of a Mercedes station wagon while her companion loads the back of the car, etc. A VO finally tells us about the “Mercedes days” at the local dealership.

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"Les péchés capitaux" [01:00]# An interesting way to present the range of new Mercedes models. Following a title bearing the name of one of the deadly sins we see a corresponding image of a Mercedes model and the effect it has on people. "Envy" is represented by a cyclist gazing dumbly at a classy S class model and taking it in. "Sloth" is illustrated by a woman lounging in the back of a Mercedes station wagon while her companion loads the back of the car, etc. A VO finally tells us about the "Mercedes days" at the local dealership.

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