


Wieden + Kennedy, Portland


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Miller Genuine Draft “It´s that time again” [01:00], “Smile,” “Beer Breath,” “Woman Crushes” + “Confidence Boost” [00:30]# This campaign for Miller beer stresses the down-to-earth qualities of the beer brewed in Milwaukee and announces an end to “fancy” beers. The first spot is a potpourri of scenes and images taken up again in a series of black and white spots. Musical fragments correspond with quasi-documentary shots of various groupings of people enjoying Miller Genuine Draft in social situations. The following two are examples of shorter versions. In the second spot for instance, a group of youngsters drinking Miller in front of their van reappear. As they press their faces onto the camera, inserted white letters announce, “It´s time for better beer breath.” The more conventional color spots, which are also part of the campaign, feature short plots with dialogue. An eccentric woman mocks a guy who prefers a beer that “does not even make you burp” to Miller, calling him a snob. In the last spot a guy advises his friend to prefer Miller which will “kick everyday mediocrity to the curb.” Yet, unlike the message of other beer commercials, and to his friend´s disapointment, it will not “get him the ladies.”

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Miller Genuine Draft "It´s that time again" [01:00], "Smile," "Beer Breath," "Woman Crushes" + "Confidence Boost" [00:30]# This campaign for Miller beer stresses the down-to-earth qualities of the beer brewed in Milwaukee and announces an end to "fancy" beers. The first spot is a potpourri of scenes and images taken up again in a series of black and white spots. Musical fragments correspond with quasi-documentary shots of various groupings of people enjoying Miller Genuine Draft in social situations. The following two are examples of shorter versions. In the second spot for instance, a group of youngsters drinking Miller in front of their van reappear. As they press their faces onto the camera, inserted white letters announce, "It´s time for better beer breath." The more conventional color spots, which are also part of the campaign, feature short plots with dialogue. An eccentric woman mocks a guy who prefers a beer that "does not even make you burp" to Miller, calling him a snob. In the last spot a guy advises his friend to prefer Miller which will "kick everyday mediocrity to the curb." Yet, unlike the message of other beer commercials, and to his friend´s disapointment, it will not "get him the ladies."

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