


Mother, London


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Miller “Peel Away” (01:00) #
Miller likes to take the easy way. Whether
it be the boss yelling or the meter maid
handing out a ticket, the protagonist in
this commercial keeps the pests at bay
by simply peeling them off his field of
vision and crumpling them up like a
piece of paper. On his way to the party,
he runs into many more such characters,
who all end up in the waste-paper bin –
discarded in the same way as the work
clothes he peels off in a flash to reveal
the party outfit below. Claim: “Make it
easy – the Miller way.”

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Miller “Peel Away” (01:00) # Miller likes to take the easy way. Whether it be the boss yelling or the meter maid handing out a ticket, the protagonist in this commercial keeps the pests at bay by simply peeling them off his field of vision and crumpling them up like a piece of paper. On his way to the party, he runs into many more such characters, who all end up in the waste-paper bin – discarded in the same way as the work clothes he peels off in a flash to reveal the party outfit below. Claim: “Make it easy – the Miller way.”

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