Miller Lite
Boase Massimi Pollitt, London
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Miller Lite “He Ain´t Heavy” [01:00]# Heavy grey characters in a band play the Hollie’s number “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”. Jolly man strolls down side walk. He escorts elderly woman across the street over his shoulder. He catches basketball, enters a playground game and dunks the ball – thanks to his teammates who have lifted him. His final stop is at a favorite pub he tosses his hat onto crowded bar – with a note pinned to it that reads “The Usual”. This wins the heart of the barmaid who serves him first – his pint of Miller Lite.
- Client Miller Lite
- Ad Agency Boase Massimi Pollitt, London
- Art Director John Webster
- Copywriter Frank Budgen
- Production Company Park Village, London
- Director Roger Woodburn
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